15876 Serwery Dell PowerEdge

Serwery Dell PowerEdge

Jako wieloletni partner firmy Dell Technologies dostarczamy naszym klientom – cieszące się nieustannym powodzeniem na rynku – innowacyjne serwery Dell PowerEdge. Co więcej, dzięki partnerstwu z producentem, mamy dostęp do całej oferty kompleksowych rozwiązań firmy Dell Technologies. Oferta ta obejmuje m.in. wszystkie produkty, usługi, a także regularne szkolenia techniczne, dzięki którym nasi inżynierowie dysponują zawsze aktualną wiedzą.

Wysokowydajnościowe serwery Dell PowerEdge to:

Skalowalna architektura – odpowiadająca na wyzwania związane z dynamicznie zmieniającymi się potrzebami biznesowymi

Optymalizacja wydajności – pod kątem różnorodnych obciążeń – tradycyjnych, a także przetwarzania w chmurze

Inteligentna automatyzacja

Bezpieczeństwo działalności – przez cały okres eksploatacji serwera

Krótsze czasy reakcji i szybsze uzyskiwanie wyników

Ujednolicone zarządzanie serwerami

Pełny monitoring centrum przetwarzania danych

Szybsze diagnozowanie problemów

Większa sprawność energetyczna.

Serwery Dell PowerEdge zostały tak zaprojektowane, by pomóc firmom wprowadzać innowacje, dostosowywać się do dynamicznych zmian, a także rozwijać się. Starsze technologie zwiększają złożoność całej infrastruktury informatycznej w firmie. Dodatkowo, systematycznie rosnąca ilość danych utrudnia działom IT sprawne funkcjonowanie, nie wspominając o stymulowaniu innowacji.

Rozwiązania firmy Dell Technologies wykorzystują zaawansowane możliwości, takie jak sztuczna inteligencja i predykcyjna analiza danych. Dzięki temu pozwalają uzyskać szczegółowe informacje, jednocześnie upraszczając zarządzanie i zwiększając bezpieczeństwo.

Serwery Dell PowerEdge to także doskonałe remedium na „utrzymywanie włączonych świateł” przez działy IT w firmach, spowodowane dynamicznym wzrostem obciążeń. Dodatkowo wpływ mają
pojawiające się coraz to nowe technologie i próby wprowadzania ich bez
zakłóceń. Dell Technologies pomaga w dostosowywaniu się do przyszłych wymagań, przy jednoczesnym zwiększeniu bezpieczeństwa, zapewnieniu zgodności oraz obsłudze rosnącej ilości danych.

Serwery stelażowe

Serwery stelażowe Dell PowerEdge montowane w szafie serwerowej to rozwiązanie dedykowane najbardziej wymagającym obciążeniom roboczym. Wyposażone są w zaawansowane funkcje automatyzacji, spełniają wymagania dotyczące zasobów obliczeniowych, a także cechują się odpornością na cyberataki. Serwery Dell PowerEdge wykorzystują również najnowsze rozwiązania w obszarze procesorów, pamięci operacyjnej, pamięci masowej, a także sieci i kart akceleratorów.

Gwarantują równowagę między wydajnością a pojemnością pamięci masowej. Pozwalają na łatwą rozbudowę, co ma szczególne znaczenie w przypadku rozwoju firmy. Natomiast dostępność konfiguracji, a także szeroka gama funkcji sprawiają, że zaspokoją wymagania wszystkich środowisk IT.

Dell PowerEdge R760
Dell PowerEdge R760
Dell PowerEdge R660
Dell PowerEdge R660
Dell PowerEdge R7625
Dell PowerEdge R7625
Dell PowerEdge R6625
Dell PowerEdge R6625
Dell PowerEdge R7615
Dell PowerEdge R7615
Key attributesProvides performance and versatility for demanding applicationsProvides performance and versatility for demanding applicationsBreakthrough performanceBreakthrough performancePowerful performance and scalability
Target workloadsMixed Workload Standardization
Database and Analytics
Virtual Desktop Infrastructure
High Density Virtualization, Dense Database Analytics, Mixed Workload StandardizationHigh Performance Computing (HPC), Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI), VirtualizationHigh Performance Computing (HPC), Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI), VirtualizationSoftware-Defined Storage (SDS), Virtualization, Data Analytics
Type of processor2 x 4th Generation Intel® Xeon® Scalable processors;  up to 56 cores per processor2 x 4th Generation Intel® Xeon® Scalable processors;  up to 56 cores per processor2 x AMD EPYC™ 4th Generation 9004 Series Processor, up to 96 cores per processor2 x AMD EPYC™ 4th Generation 9004 Series Processor, up to 96 cores per processor2 x AMD EPYC™ 4th Generation 9004 Series Processor, up to 96 cores per processor
DDR5 DIMM slots (max capacity)32 (8 TB)32 (8 TB)24 (6 TB)24 (6 TB)12 (3 TB)
Disk drives up to:12 x 3.5”
8 x 2.5”
16 x 2.5”
24 x 2.5”
2 x 2.5” or
4 x 2.5” (rear)
8 x 2.5”
10 x 2.5”
2 x 2.5” (rear)
10 x 2.5”
14 x E3.S
16 x E3.S
2 x 2.5” (rear)
2 x E3.S (rear)
8 x 3,5”
12 x 3.5”
8 x 2.5”
16 x 2.5”
24 x 2.5”
2 x 2.5” or
4 x 2.5” (rear)
4 x 3.5”
8 x 2.5”
10 x 2.5”
14 x E3.S
16 x E3.S
2 x 2.5” (rear)
2 x E3.S (rear)
8 x 3,5”
12 x 3.5”
8 x 2.5”
16 x 2.5”
24 x 2.5”
2 x 2.5” or
4 x 2.5” (rear)
NVMe drives up to:2410241024
Gen5 PCle slots up to:42424
Gen4 PCle slots up to:83834
Accelerator support up to:2 x 350 W DW or
6 x 75 W SW
3 x 75 W SW2 x 300 W DW or
6 x 75 W SW
3 x 75 W SW3 x 300 W DW or
6 x 75 W SW
Rack height (U)21212
Integrated security:
R760, R660, R7625: TPM 2.0 FIPS, CC-TCG certified, TPM 2.0 China NationZ, Cryptographically Signed Firmware, Chassis Intrusion Alert. Secure Boot being standard security, Silicon Root of Trust, System Lockdown (requires iDRAC9 Enterprise or Datacenter). Data at Rest Encryption (SEDs with local or external key mgmt) Secured Component Verification (Hardware integrity check) and System Erase on all racks.
R6625, R7615: TPM 2.0 FIPS, CC-TCG certified, TPM 2.0 China NationZ. Cryptographically Signed Firmware,  Secure Boot, Secure Erase, Silicon Root of Trust, System Lockdown (requires iDRAC9 Enterprise or Datacenter).  AMD Secure Memory Encryption (SME) and AMD Secure Encrypted Virtualization (SEV)

Dell PowerEdge R6615
Dell PowerEdge R6615
Dell PowerEdge R660xs
Dell PowerEdge R660xs
Dell PowerEdge R760xs
Dell PowerEdge R760xs
Dell PowerEdge HS5610***
Dell PowerEdge HS5610
Dell PowerEdge HS5620***
Dell PowerEdge HS5620
Key attributesPeak performance and excellent TCORight-sized for the most popular IT applicationsRight-sized for the most popular IT applicationsRight-sized for the most popular IT applicationsOpen ecosystem optimized for storage dense workloads
Target workloadsVirtualization, Hyper-Converged Infrastructure (HCI), Network Functions Virtualization (NFV)Virtualization, Cloud, Scale-Out Database, High Performance Compute (HPC)Virtualization, Software-Defined Storage,  Medium density VM or VDIVirtualization, Scale-out database, Software-Defined Storage NodeVirtualization, Medium VM Density or VDI, Software-Defined Storage Node
Type of processor1 x AMD EPYC™ 4th Generation 9004 series processor; up to 96 cores2 x 4th Generation Intel® Xeon® Scalable processors; up to 32 cores per processor2 x 4th Generation Intel® Xeon® Scalable processors; up to 32 cores per processor2 x 4th Generation Intel® Xeon® Scalable processors; up to 32 cores per processor2 x 4th Generation Intel® Xeon® Scalable processors; up to 32 cores per processor
DDR5 DIMM slots (max capacity)12 (3 TB)16 (1 TB)16 (1 TB)16 (2 TB)16 (2 TB)
Disk drives up to:4 x 3.5”
8 x 2.5”
10 x 2.5”
14 x E3.S
16 x E3.S
2 x 2.5” (rear)
2 x E3.S (rear)
4 x 3.5”
8 x 2.5”
10 x 2.5”
2 x 2.5” (rear)
12 x 3.5”
8 x 3.5”
8 x 2.5”
16 x 2.5” + 8 x NVMe
2 x 2.5” (rear)
4 x 3.5”
8 x 2.5”
6 x NVMe
10 x 2.5”
2 x 2.5” (rear)
12 x 3.5”
8 x 3.5”
8 x 2.5”
16 x 2.5” + 8 x NVMe
2 x 2.5” (rear)
NVMe drives up to:10108108
Gen5 PCle slots up to:22222
Gen4 PCle slots up to:33434
Accelerator support up to:3 x 75 W SWN/A2 x 75 W SWN/A2 x 75 W SW
Rack height (U)11212
*** HS560 and HS5620 are offered exclusively through the Hyperscale Next program for select customers
Integrated security:
R6615: TPM 2.0 FIPS, CC-TCG certified, TPM 2.0 China NationZ, Cryptographically Signed Firmware,  Secure Boot, Secure Erase. Silicon Root of Trust, System Lockdown (requires iDRAC9 Enterprise or Datacenter). AMD Secure Memory Encryption (SME) and AMD Secure Encrypted Virtualization (SEV)
R660xs, R760xs, HS560, HS5620: TPM 2.0 FIPS, CC-TCG certified, TPM 2.0 China NationZ, Cryptographically Signed Firmware. Chassis Intrusion Alert, Secure Boot being standard security, Silicon Root of Trust, System Lockdown (requires iDRAC9 Enterprise or Datacenter). Data at Rest Encryption (SEDs with local or external key mgmt). Secured Component Verification (Hardware integrity check) and System Erase on all racks.

Dell PowerEdge R960
Dell PowerEdge R960
Dell PowerEdge R860
Dell PowerEdge R860
Dell PowerEdge R760xa
Dell PowerEdge R760xa
Dell PowerEdge R760xd2
Dell PowerEdge R760xd2
Dell PowerEdge XE9680
Dell PowerEdge XE9680
Key attributesExtreme acceleration for business continuity and scale outPower business-critical, core workloads with high-density computeHigh performance, scalable server for intensive GPU applicationsDense storage, faster retrieval and scalabilityNo-compromise accelerated AI training performance, Flexibility to choose H100 or A100 8-way SXM GPUs, 6U 2-socket with support up to 35C ambient
Target workloadsLarge in-memory databases, Data analytics,  AI and virtualization, Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI)Large in-memory databases, Data analytics,  AI and virtualization, Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI)AI/ML/DL training and inferencing Digital Twins, render graphics Virtualization and VDI graphicsFile and object storage, Video capturing & surveillance, Video streamingLarge model training, natural language processing, recommendation engines, conversational AI, translation, drug discovery
Type of processor4 x 4th Generation Intel® Xeon® Scalable processors; up to 60 cores per processor and with optional Intel® QuickAssist Technology4 x 4th Generation Intel® Xeon® Scalable processors; up to 60 cores per processor and with optional Intel® QuickAssist Technology2 x 4th Generation Intel® Xeon® Scalable processors; up to
56 cores per processor
2 x 4th Generation Intel® Xeon® Scalable processors;
up to 32 cores per processor
2 x 4th Generation Intel® Xeon® Scalable processors; up to 56 cores per processor
DDR5 DIMM slots (max capacity)64 (16 TB)64 (16 TB)32 (8 TB)16 (1TB)32 (4 TB)
Disk drives up to:8 x 2.5”
16 x 2.5”
24 x 2.5”
32 x 2.5”
8 x 2.5”
16 x 2.5”
24 x 2.5”
2 x 2.5”(rear)
6 x 2.5”
8 x 2.5”
12 x 3.5” (Front bay) + 12 x 3.5” (Mid bay)
2 x 2.5” or 4 x 2.5” or 4 x 3.5 (rear)
8 x 2.5”
NVMe drives up to:2424848
Gen5 PCle slots up to:12812N/A10
Gen4 PCle slots up to:N/A4N/A5N/A
Accelerator support up to:4 x 400 W DWN/A4 x 600 W DW or
12 x 75 W SW
2 x 75 W SW , 1 x 75 W SW +  1 x 150 W SW or 1 x 180 W DW8 NVIDIA HGX H100 80GB 700W SXM5 GPUs or 8 NVIDIA HGX A100 80GB 500W SXM4 GPUs, fully interconnected with NVIDIA NVLink technology
Rack height (U)42226
Integrated security:
R960, R860, R760xa, R760xd2, XE9680: TPM 2.0 FIPS, CC-TCG certified, TPM 2.0 China NationZ, Cryptographically Signed Firmware, Chassis Intrusion Alert. Secure Boot being standard security, Silicon Root of Trust, System Lockdown (requires iDRAC9 Enterprise or Datacenter). Data at Rest Encryption (SEDs with local or external key mgmt). Secured Component Verification (Hardware integrity check) and System Erase on all racks.

Dell PowerEdge XE8640

Dell PowerEdge XE8640
Dell PowerEdge XR7620

Dell PowerEdge XR7620
Dell PowerEdge XR5610

Dell PowerEdge XR5610
Dell PowerEdge R750

Dell PowerEdge R750
Dell PowerEdge R750xa

Dell PowerEdge R750xa
Key attributesFaster ML/DL training and HPC performance, 4U 2-socket server, up to 35C ambient, standard rack depthEdge-optimized high-performance, high-capacity short-depth 2U 2-socket serverHigh-performance, short depth, rugged, reverse mounting, filtered bezel, -5C to 55C operating temperaturesOutstanding performance for the most demanding workloadsHighly intensive GPU workloads
Target workloadsHPC Modeling and Simulation, seismic analysis, computational fluid dynamics, Oil & Gas, AI/ML training, object detection, image classificationIndustrial automation, video analytics, point of sale analytics, AI inferencing, edge asset data aggregation and analyticsvRAN, D-RAN, O-RAN, Industrial automation, video analytics, point of sale analytics, AI inferencing, edge asset data aggregation and analyticsDatabase and analytics, HPC, traditional corporate IT, VDI, AI or ML environmentsAI, ML or DL training or inferencing, HPC, and virtualization environments
Type of processor2 x 4th Generation Intel® Xeon® Scalable processors; up to 56 cores per processor2 x 4th Generation Intel® Xeon® Scalable processors; up to 32 cores per processor1 x 4th Generation Intel® Xeon® Scalable processors; up to 32 cores per processor2 x 3rd Generation Intel® Xeon® Scalable processors; up to 40 cores per processor2 x 3rd Generation Intel® Xeon® Scalable processors; up to 40 cores per processor
DDR5 DIMM slots (max capacity)32 (4 TB)16 (1 TB)8 (1 TB)32 (8 TB)32 (8 TB)
Disk drives up to:8 x 2.5”4 x 2.5”
8 x E3.S
4 x 2.5”12 x 3.5”
8 x 2.5”
16 x 2.5”
24 x 2.5”
2 x 2.5” or
4 x 2.5” (rear)
6 x 2.5”
8 x 2.5”
NVMe drives up to:844248
Gen5 PCle slots up to:42288
Gen4 PCle slots up to:N/A5N/AN/AN/A
Accelerator support up to:4 NVIDIA HGX H100 80GB 700W SXM5 GPUs, fully interconnected with NVIDIA NVLink technology4 x 150 W SW or 2 x 300 W DW
2 x 75 W SW
2 x 300 W DW or
4 x 150 W SW or
6 x 75 W SW
4 x 150 W SW or
4 x 300 W DW
2 x 75 W SW
Rack height (U)42122
Integrated security:
XE8640, XR7620, XR5610: TPM 2.0 FIPS, CC-TCG certified, TPM 2.0 China NationZ, Cryptographically Signed Firmware, Chassis Intrusion Alert. Secure Boot being standard security, Silicon Root of Trust, System Lockdown (requires iDRAC9 Enterprise or Datacenter). Data at Rest Encryption (SEDs with local or external key mgmt). Secured Component Verification (Hardware integrity check) and System Erase on all racks.
R750, R750xa: TPM 1.2/2.0 FIPS, CC-TCG certified, TPM 2.0 China NationZ, Cryptographically Signed Firmware. Chassis Intrusion Alert, and Secure Boot being standard security on all racks. Integrated security features such as Silicon Root of Trust. System Lockdown (requires iDRAC9 Enterprise or Datacenter), and System Erase on all racks.

Dell PowerEdge R650Dell PowerEdge R650Dell PowerEdge R7525Dell PowerEdge R7525Dell PowerEdge R6525Dell PowerEdge R6525Dell PowerEdge R7515Dell PowerEdge R7515Dell PowerEdge R6515Dell PowerEdge R6515
Key attributesHigh scalability, optimized workload performancePowerful performance and flexibilityDense virtualizationPowerful performance and scalabilityHigh density compute
Target workloadsMixed workload standardization, database and analytics, HFT, traditional corporate IT, VDI, HPC, AI, or ML environmentsAll flash SDS, VDI, and data analyticsHPC, Dense, VDI, and VirtualizationSDS, Virtualization, and Data AnalyticsVirtualization, HCI and NFV
Type of processor2 x 3rd Generation Intel® Xeon® Scalable processors; up to 40 cores per processor2 x 2nd or 3rd Generation AMD EPYCTM processors; up to 64 cores per processor2 x 2nd or 3rd Generation AMD EPYCTM processors; up to 64 cores per processor1 x 2nd or 3rd Generation AMD EPYCTM processor; up to 64 cores per processor1 x 2nd or 3rd Generation AMD EPYCTM processor; up to 64 cores per processor
DDR5 DIMM slots (max capacity)32 (4 TB)32 (4 TB)32 (4 TB)16 (2 TB)16 (2 TB)
Disk drives up to:4 x 3.5”
8 x 2.5”
10 x 2.5”
2 x 2.5” (rear)
12 x 3.5”
26 x 2.5”
4 x 3.5”
12 x 2.5”
12 x 3.5”
24 x 2.5”
4 x 3.5”
8 x 2.5”
NVMe drives up to:1224122410
Gen5 PCle slots up to:38321
Gen4 PCle slots up to:N/AN/AN/A21
Accelerator support up to:3 x 75 W SW3 x 300 W DW or
6 x 75 W SW
3 x SW4 x SW
1 x DW
1 x FPGA
1 x SW
Rack height (U)12121
Integrated security:
R650, R7525, R6525, R7515, R6515: TPM 1.2/2.0 FIPS, CC-TCG certified, TPM 2.0 China NationZ, Cryptographically Signed Firmware. Chassis Intrusion Alert, and Secure Boot being standard security on all racks. Integrated security features such as Silicon Root of Trust. System Lockdown (requires iDRAC9 Enterprise or Datacenter), and System Erase on all racks.

Dell PowerEdge R750xsDell PowerEdge R750xs Dell PowerEdge R650xsDell PowerEdge R650xsDell PowerEdge R450Dell PowerEdge R450Dell PowerEdge R550dell PowerEdge R550 Dell PowerEdge XR11Dell PowerEdge XR11
Key attributesPurpose-built 2U server for growing scale-out solutionsPurpose-built full performance 1U server for dense, fast growing scale-out solutionsValue and density-focused, built for general purpose ITVersatile, value-optimized, virtualization-ready, built for general purpose ITEdge-centric, short depth and rugged with reverse mounting options
Target workloadsVirtualization, medium VM density or VDI, and scale-out database workloadsVirtualization, cloud, scale-out database and highperformance compute workloadsSmall IT infrastructure, light VM, small business specific workloadsSmall IT infrastructure, light VM density, small business specific workloadsTelco/5G (MEC, CDN, vRAN), Military, Retail (Analytics – video surveillance/POS/IOT aggregation)
Type of processor2 x 3rd Generation Intel® Xeon® Scalable processors; up to 32 cores per processor2 x 3rd Generation Intel® Xeon® Scalable processors; up to 32 cores per processor2 x 3rd Generation Intel® Xeon® Scalable processors; up to 24 cores per processor2 x 3rd Generation Intel® Xeon® Scalable processors; up to 24 cores per processor1 x 3rd Generation Intel® Xeon® Scalable processors; up to 36 cores per processor
DDR5 DIMM slots (max capacity)16 (1 TB)16 (1 TB)16 (1 TB)16 (1 TB)8 (1 TB)
Disk drives up to:8 x 3.5”
12 x 3.5”
8 x 2.5”
16 x 2.5 + 8 x 2.5”
4 x 3.5”
8 x 2.5”
10 x 2.5”
2 x 2.5” (rear)
4 x 3.5”
8 x 2.5” 
8 x 3.5”
8 x 2.5”
16 x 2.5”
4 x 2.5”
NVMe drives up to:810N/AN/A4
Gen5 PCle slots up to:53233
Gen4 PCle slots up to:1N/AN/A1N/A
Accelerator support up to:N/AN/AN/AN/A2 x 75 W SW
Rack height (U)21121
Integrated security:
R750xs, R650xs, R450, R550, XR11: TPM 1.2/2.0 FIPS, CC-TCG certified, TPM 2.0 China NationZ, Cryptographically Signed Firmware, Chassis Intrusion Alert, and Secure Boot being standard security on all racks. Integrated security features such as Silicon Root of Trust, System Lockdown (requires iDRAC9 Enterprise or Datacenter), and System Erase on all racks.

Dell PowerEdge XR12Dell-PowerEdge-XR12Dell PowerEdge R350Dell PowerEdge R350Dell PowerEdge R250Dell-PowerEdge-R250Dell PowerEdge R940Dell PowerEdge R940Dell PowerEdge R940xaDell PowerEdge R940xa
Key attributesEdge-centric, short depth and rugged with reverse mounting optionsPowerful performance in 1U server for productivity and data intensive applicationsPowerful compute for common business applications and streamlines productivityPowerful performanceExtreme acceleration
Target workloadsTelco/5G (MEC, CDN, vRAN), Military, Retail (Analytics – video surveillance/POS/IOT aggregation)Small mid-sized businesses, remote office/branch office, collaboration and sharing, data analytics and virtualization workloadsSmall mid-sized businesses, remote office/branch office, collaboration and sharing, mail/messaging and file/print workloadsIn-memory databasesGPU database acceleration and machine learning
Type of processor1 x 3rd Generation Intel® Xeon® Scalable processors; up to 36 cores per processor1 x Intel Xeon E-2300 series processors with up to 8 cores or 1 x Intel Pentium processor with up to 2 cores1 x Intel Xeon E-2300 series processors with up to 8 cores or 1 x Intel Pentium processor with up to 2 cores4 x 2nd Generation Intel® Xeon® Scalable processors4 x 2nd Generation Intel® Xeon® Scalable processors
DDR5 DIMM slots (max capacity)8 (1 TB)4 (128 GB)4 (128 GB)48 (15.36 TB)48 (15.36 TB)
Disk drives up to:6 x 2.5”4 x 3.5”
8 x 2.5”
4 x 3.5”
4 x 3.5” (cabled)
2 x 3.5” (cabled)
24 x 2.5”32 x 2.5”
NVMe drives up to:6N/AN/A124
Gen5 PCle slots up to:532N/AN/A
Gen4 PCle slots up to:N/AN/AN/A1312
Accelerator support up to:2 x 75 W or
150 W SW
2 x 300 W DW
N/AN/AN/A4 x DW GPUs or
4 x DW
or 8 x SW FPGAs
Rack height (U)21134
Integrated security:
XR12, R350, R250, R940, R940xa: TPM 1.2/2.0 FIPS, CC-TCG certified, TPM 2.0 China NationZ, Cryptographically Signed Firmware, Chassis Intrusion Alert, and Secure Boot being standard security on all racks. Integrated security features such as Silicon Root of Trust, System Lockdown (requires iDRAC9 Enterprise or Datacenter), and System Erase on all racks.

Dell PowerEdge R840Dell PowerEdge R840Dell PowerEdge R740xdDell-PowerEdge-R740xdDell PowerEdge R740Dell PowerEdge R740Dell PowerEdge R740xd2Dell PowerEdge R740xd2Dell PowerEdge R640Dell PowerEdge R640
Key attributesTurbocharge data analyticsScalable storage performanceOptimal application performanceEnterprise content serverPerformance and density
Target workloadsData-intensive workloads, HFT, and dense virtualizationSDS, service providers, and big data serversVDI and cloud workloadsMedia streaming and SDSDense scale-out data center computing and storage
Type of processor4 x 2nd Generation Intel® Xeon® Scalable processors2 x 2nd Generation Intel® Xeon® Scalable processors2 x 2nd Generation Intel® Xeon® Scalable processors2 x 2nd Generation Intel® Xeon® Scalable processors2 x 2nd Generation Intel® Xeon® Scalable processors
DDR5 DIMM slots (max capacity)48 (15.36 TB)24 (7.68 TB)24 (7.68 TB)16 (1 TB)24 (7.68 TB)
Disk drives up to:26 x 2.5”18 x 3.5”
32 x 2.5”
8 x 3.5”
16 x 2.5”
26 x 3.5”
16 x 3.5” +
10 x 2.5”1
4 x 3.5”
12 x 2.5”
NVMe drives up to:2424N/AN/A10
Gen5 PCle slots up to:N/AN/AN/AN/AN/A
Gen4 PCle slots up to:68853
Accelerator support up to:2 x DW GPUs or 2 x SW or DW FPGAs3 x DW or 6 x SW GPUs or 3 x DW or 4 x SW FPGAs3 x DW or 6 x SW GPUs or 3 x DW or 4 x SW FPGAsN/A1 x SW GPU or
Rack height (U)22221
Integrated security:
R840, R740xd, R740, R740xd2, R640: TPM 1.2/2.0 FIPS, CC-TCG certified, TPM 2.0 China NationZ, Cryptographically Signed Firmware, Chassis Intrusion Alert, and Secure Boot being standard security on all racks. Integrated security features such as Silicon Root of Trust, System Lockdown (requires iDRAC9 Enterprise or Datacenter), and System Erase on all racks.
1 Drives use hybrid carrier to fit in 3.5” drive bay. (For the R740xd2 – a hybrid configuration is available with up to 10 2.5” SSDs)

Dell PowerEdge R540Dell PowerEdge R540Dell PowerEdge R440Dell PowerEdge R440Dell PowerEdge R340Dell PowerEdge R340Dell PowerEdge R240Dell PowerEdge R240
Key attributesBalanced and adaptableScale-out computingAccelerate business growthCompute made simple
Target workloadsMail messaging and virtualizationHPC, web tech, and scale-out infrastructureROBO productivity and data-intensive applicationsSmall business and service provider workloads
Type of processor2 x 2nd Generation Intel® Xeon® Scalable processors2 x 2nd Generation Intel® Xeon® Scalable processors1 x Intel Xeon E-2200, Intel Core i3®,  Intel Pentium®, or Intel Celeron® processor1 x Intel Xeon E-2200, Intel Core i3®,  Intel Pentium®, or Intel Celeron® processor
DDR5 DIMM slots (max capacity)16 (1 TB)16 (1 TB)4 (64 GB)4 (64 GB)
Disk drives up to:14 x 3.5”4 x 3.5”
10 x 2.5”
4 x 3.5”
8 x 2.5”
4 x 3.5”
4 x 2.5”1
NVMe drives up to:N/A4N/AN/A
Gen5 PCle slots up to:N/AN/AN/AN/A
Gen4 PCle slots up to:5222
Accelerator support up to:N/AN/AN/AN/A
Rack height (U)2111
Integrated security:
R540, R440, R340, R240: TPM 1.2/2.0 FIPS, CC-TCG certified, TPM 2.0 China NationZ, Cryptographically Signed Firmware, Chassis Intrusion Alert, and Secure Boot being standard security on all racks. Integrated security features such as Silicon Root of Trust, System Lockdown (requires iDRAC9 Enterprise or Datacenter), and System Erase on all racks.
1 Drives use hybrid carrier to fit in 3.5” drive bay. (For the R740xd2 – a hybrid configuration is available with up to 10 2.5” SSDs)

Serwery Dell PowerEdge w obudowie typu tower

Serwery Dell PowerEdge w obudowie typu tower to gwarancja wysokiej wydajności i dużej przestrzeni dyskowej. Urządzenia te charakteryzują się niezwykle cichą pracą i uniwersalnością, a także mają mniejsze wymagania w zakresie zużycia energii i miejsca. Dostępne są zarówno w obudowach typu mini-tower, jak i do montażu w szafie serwerowej. Konfiguracje jednogniazdowe doskonale sprawdzą się do codziennych zastosowań biznesowych, natomiast dwugniazdowe dedykowane są do bardziej zaawansowanych zadań.

Dell PowerEdge T560Dell PowerEdge T560Dell PowerEdge T550Dell PowerEdge T550Dell PowerEdge T350Dell PowerEdge T350Dell PowerEdge T150Dell PowerEdge T150Dell PowerEdge T640Dell PowerEdge T640
Key attributesOffice-friendly server, maximizing next-gen technologies with GPU options to achieve enterprise level performancePerformance and expandabilityStreamlined productivity, 
high-speed memory and capacity,  easy-to-manage
Streamlined productivity, 
high-speed memory and capacity, powerful
Powerful and
Target workloadsDatabase and Analytics
AI/ML and inferencing
DS, VDI, and data analyticsSmall to mid-sized business, remote office/branch office, collaboration and sharing, real-time database managementSmall to mid-sized business, remote office/branch office, Collaboration and sharing, mail/messaging and file/printBusiness intelligence,
ERP, and HPC
Type of processorUp to two 4th Generation Intel® Xeon Scalable processorsUp to two 3rd Generation Intel® Xeon Scalable processorsUp to one of the following processors:  Intel Xeon E-2300 Series processor, or Intel Pentium processorUp to one of the following processors:  Intel Xeon E-2300 Series processor, or Intel Pentium processorUp to two 2nd Generation Intel® Xeon®
Scalable processors
Memory (DDR4 DIMM slots (& max))16 (1 TB)16 (1 TB)4 (128 GB)4 (128 GB)24 (3 TB)
Speeds up to (MT/s)480032003200
NOTE: For Pentium processor, maximum memory speed supported is 2666 MT/s.
NOTE: For Pentium processor, maximum memory speed supported is 2666 MT/s,
Drives up to12 x 3.5’’, 8 x 3.5’’, 8 x 3.5’’+ 8 x 2.5’’, 8 x 2.5’’, 16 x 2.5’’, 24 x 2.5’’8 x 2.5” or 16 x 2.5” or 24 x 2.5” or 8 x 3.5” or 8 x 3.5 “ + 8 x 2.5”4 x 3.5” or
8 x 3.5”
4 x 3.5”32 x 2.5” or 18 x 3.5”
NVMe drives up to88N/AN/A8
Gen 5 PCle slots up to2
Gen 4 PCle slots up to4622N/A
Gen 3 PCle slots up toN/AN/A228
GPU support up to:2 x 300 W or 6 x 75 W2 x 300 W or
5 x 70 W
N/AN/A4 x 300 W or
8 x 150 W
Power Supplies (PSU)600 W, 800 W,
700 W, 1100 W,
1400 W, 1800 W,
2400 W
Single or dual 600 W,
800 W, 1100 W,
1400 W, or 2400 W
hot swap
Single or dual 600 W
hot swap, or single
450 W cabled
300 W or 400 W
Single or dual 495 W,
750 W, 1100 W, 1600
W, 2000 W or 2400
W hot swap
Form factor4.5U tower5U tower4.5U tower4U tower5U rack or tower
Max depth (mm)695.5680.5581.12453.75750
Integrated security:
TPM 1.2/2.0 FIPS, CC-TCG certified, TPM 2.0 China NationZ, Digitally Signed Firmware, and Secure Boot being standard security on all towers.
Integrated security features such as Silicon Root of Trust, System Lockdown (requires iDRAC Enterprise or Datacenter), Chassis Intrusion Alert, and System Erase come standard on all racks except T40.

Dell PowerEdge T440Dell PowerEdge T440Dell PowerEdge T340Dell PowerEdge T340Dell PowerEdge T140Dell PowerEdge T140Dell PowerEdge T40Dell PowerEdge T40
Key attributesFlexible and
Reliable and
Easy to use and
Dependable and
Target workloadsVirtualization,
web serving,
and server
sharing, and
and point of sale
File sharing and print
Type of processorUp to two 2nd Generation Intel® Xeon®
Scalable processors
Up to one of the following processors:
Intel® Xeon® E-2200 product family,
Intel® Pentium® G5420 processor,
Intel® Core i3® 9100, Intel® Celeron® G4930
Up to one of the following processors:
Intel® Xeon® E-2200 product family,
Intel® Pentium® G5420 processor,
Intel® Core i3® 9100, Intel® Celeron® G4930
Up to one Intel®
Xeon® E-2224G
Memory (DDR4 DIMM slots (& max))16 (1 TB)4 (64 GB)4 (64 GB)4 (64 GB)
Speeds up to (MT/s)2666266626662666
Drives up to16 x 2.5” or 8 x 3.5”8 x 3.5” 14 x 3.5”3 x 3.5” 2
NVMe drives up toN/AN/AN/AN/A
Gen 5 PCle slots up to
Gen 4 PCle slots up toN/AN/AN/AN/A
Gen 3 PCle slots up to5443
GPU support up to:Up to 1 x 150 WN/AN/AN/A
Power Supplies (PSU)Single or dual 495 W,
750 W, 1100 W hot
swap PSU or 450 W
Single or dual 495 W
hot swap,
or single 350 W
365 W cabled300 W cabled
Form factor5U rack or towerTowerMini-towerMini-tower
Max depth (mm)594.8603454359.5
Integrated security:
TPM 1.2/2.0 FIPS, CC-TCG certified, TPM 2.0 China NationZ, Digitally Signed Firmware, and Secure Boot being standard security on all towers.
Integrated security features such as Silicon Root of Trust, System Lockdown (requires iDRAC Enterprise or Datacenter), Chassis Intrusion Alert, and System Erase come standard on all racks except T40.
1 4 x 3.5” plus 2 x 2.5” with expansion kit
Available with customer kit

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