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Serwery Dell EMC PowerEdge 14G

Serwery Dell EMC PowerEdge 14G to fundament nowoczesnych, zdefiniowanych programowo centrów przetwarzania danych. Dzięki skalowalności zapewniają optymalną kontrolę cyklu eksploatacji infrastruktury IT, a przy tym tworzą środowisko odporne na cyberataki.

Bezkompromisowe podejście

Serwery Dell EMC PowerEdge 14G, wyposażone w nową generację procesorów z rodziny Intel® Xeon®, opracowywano nie uznając żadnych kompromisów – miały być rozwiązaniem kompleksowym, elastycznym, niedrogim i niezawodnym, pozwalającym uzyskać maksymalne wyniki i zoptymalizować wydajność – bez konieczności obniżania jakichkolwiek wymagań.

Ponadto, serwery Dell EMC PowerEdge 14G poza niesamowitymi możliwościami w zakresie wydajności operacyjnej, są również kluczowym elementem infrastruktury przygotowanej do działania w chmurze.

Nowoczesna infrastruktura IT

Serwery PowerEdge 14G doskonale wpisują się w wymagania dotyczące budowy nowoczesnej infrastruktury IT – dzięki skalowalności dostosowują się do Twoich dynamicznych potrzeb biznesowych, a inteligentna automatyzacja umożliwia efektywne zarządzanie rutynowymi zadaniami oraz wpływa na oszczędność czasu i zasobów. Dodatkowo serwery PowerEdge pozwalają chronić Twoją firmę i klientów dzięki zintegrowanym zaawansowanym zabezpieczeniom.

Dell EMC PowerEdge R940
Dell EMC PowerEdge R740
Dell EMC PowerEdge R740xd
Dell EMC PowerEdge R640
Dell EMC PowerEdge R6420
Dell EMC PowerEdge R940

Features Technical Specification
Processor Up to four Intel® Xeon® SP, up to 28 cores

48 DDR4 DIMM slots, Supports RDIMM /LRDIMM, up to 2666MT/s, 6TB max
Up to 12 NVDIMM, 192 GB Max
Supports registered ECC DDR4 DIMMs only

Storage controllers

Internal controllers: PERC S140, H330, H740P
Boot optimized Storage Subsystem
External HBAs (RAID): H840
External HBAs (non-RAID): 12 Gbps SAS HBA

Drive bays
Front drive bays: Up to 24 x 2.5” SAS/SATA (HDD/SSD) with up to 12 NVMe PCIe SSD, max 122TB
Power supplies

Platinum 1100W, 1600W, 2000W, 2400W, 336- 380VDC 1100W
Gold 48VDC 1100W
Hot plug power supplies with full redundancy option
8 hot plugs fans with full redundancy

Form factor: Rack (3U)
Chassis depth: 777.05 mm
Embedded management

IPMI 2.0 compliant
iDRAC9 with Life cycle Controller (Express, Enterprise)
Quick Sync 2 wireless module optional

Optional LCD bezel
OpenManage™ Software

OpenManage Enterprise; OpenManage Essentials; OpenManage Mobile; OpenManage Power Center

Integrations and connections

Integrations: Microsoft® System Center, VMware® vCenter™, BMC Software

Connections: Nagios & Nagios XI, Oracle Enterprise Manager, HP Operations Manager, IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus, IBM Tivoli® Network Manager, CA Network and Systems Management


TPM 1.2/2.0 optional; Cryptographically signed firmware; Secure Boot; System Lockdown; Secure erase

I/O & Ports

Network daughter card options
4x 1Gb, 4x 10Gb, 2x 10Gb+2x 1Gb, or 2x 25Gb
Front ports: Video, 2 x USB 3.0, dedicated IDRAC Direct USB
Rear ports: Video, serial, 2 x USB 3.0, dedicated iDRAC network port
Video card: VGA
Up to 13 x Gen3 slots, (3 x8 + 10 x16)

Supported operating systems

Canonical® Ubuntu® LTS; Citrix® XenServer®; Microsoft Windows Server® with Hyper-V; Red Hat® Enterprise Linux; SUSE® Linux Enterprise Server; VMware® ESXi

Recommended support

Dell ProSupport Plus for critical systems or Dell ProSupport for premium hardware and software support for your PowerEdge solution. Consulting and deployment offerings are also available.

Dell EMC PowerEdge R740

Features Technical Specification
Up to two Intel® Xeon® SP, up to 28 cores per procesor

24 DDR4 DIMM slots, Supports RDIMM /LRDIMM, speeds up to 2666MT/s, 3TB max
Up to 12 NVDIMM, 192 GB Max
Supports registered ECC DDR4 DIMMs only

Storage controllers

Internal controllers: PERC H330, H730p, H740p, HBA330, Software RAID (SWRAID) S140
Boot Optimized Storage Subsystem: HWRAID 2 x M.2 SSDs 120GB, 240 GB
External PERC (RAID): H840
External HBAs (non-RAID): 12 Gbps SAS HBA

Drive bays

Front drive bays: Up to 16 x 2.5” SAS/SATA (HDD/SSD) max 61TB or up to 8 x 3.5” SAS/SATA HDD max 80TB
Optional DVD-ROM, DVD+RW

Power supplies

Titanium 750W, Platinum 495W, 750W, 1100W, 1600W and 2000W
48VDC 1100W, 380HVDC 1100W, 240HVDC 750W (China/Japan)
Hot plug power supplies with full redundancy
Up to 6 hot plugs fans with full redundancy

Form factor: Rack (2U)
Chassis depth: 715.5 mm
Embedded management

IPMI 2.0 compliant
iDRAC9 with Lifecycle Controller (Express, Enterprise)
Quick Sync 2 wireless module optional

Optional LCD bezel or security bezel
OpenManage™ Software

OpenManage Enterprise; OpenManage Essentials; OpenManage Mobile; OpenManage Power Center

Integrations and connections

Integrations: Microsoft® System Center, VMware® vCenter™, BMC Software

Connections: Nagios & Nagios XI, Oracle Enterprise Manager, HP Operations Manager, IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus, IBM Tivoli® Network Manager, CA Network and Systems Management


TPM 1.2/2.0 optional; Cryptographically signed firmware; Secure Boot; System Lockdown; Secure erase

 I/O & Ports
Network daughter card options
4 x 1GE or 2 x 10GE + 2 x 1GE or 4 x 10GE or 2 x 25GE
Front ports: Video, 2 x USB 2.0, available USB 3.0, dedicated IDRAC Direct Micro-USB
Rear ports: Video, serial, 2 x USB 3.0, dedicated iDRAC network port
Video card: VGA
Riser options with up to 8 PCIe Gen 3 slots, maximum of 4 x 16 slots
 GPU options
 Nvidia Tesla P100, K80, K40, Grid M60, M10, P4, Quadro P4000. AMD S7150, S7150X2
Supported operating systems

Canonical® Ubuntu® LTS; Citrix® XenServer®; Microsoft Windows Server® with Hyper-V; Red Hat® Enterprise Linux; SUSE® Linux Enterprise Server; VMware® ESXi

Recommended support

Dell ProSupport Plus for critical systems or Dell ProSupport for premium hardware and software support for your PowerEdge solution. Consulting and deployment offerings are also available. Contact your Dell representative today for more information. Availability and terms of Dell Services vary by region.

Dell EMC PowerEdge R740xd

Features Technical Specification
Up to two Intel® Xeon® SP, up to 28 cores per processor

24 DDR4 DIMM slots, Supports RDIMM /LRDIMM, speeds up to 2666MT/s, 3TB max
Up to 12 NVDIMM, 192 GB Max
Supports registered ECC DDR4 DIMMs only

Storage controllers

Internal controllers: PERC H730p, H740p, HBA330, Software RAID (SWRAID) S140
External PERC (RAID): H840
External HBAs (non-RAID): 12 Gbps SAS HBA
Boot Optimized Storage Subsystem: HWRAID 2 x M.2 SSDs 120GB or 240 GB

Drive bays

Front bays: Up to 24 x 2.5 SAS/SATA (HDD/SSD), NVMe SSD max 153TB or up to 12 x 3.5” SAS/SATA HDD max 120TB
Mid bay: Up to 4 x 2.5”, max 25TB SAS/SATA (HDD/SSD), NVMe SSD max 25TB or up to 4 x 3.5”, max 40TB
Rear bays: Up to 4 x 2.5”, max 25TB SAS/SATA (HDD/SSD), NVMe SSD or up to 2 x 3.5” max 20TB SAS/SATA HDD

Power supplies

Titanium 750W, Platinum 495W, 750W, 1100W, 1600W and 2000W
48VDC 1100W, 380HVDC 1100W, 240HVDC 750W
Hot plug power supplies with full redundancy
Up to 6 hot plugs fans with full redundancy

Form factor: Rack (2U)
Max depth: 715.5 mm
Embedded management

IPMI 2.0 compliant
iDRAC9 with Lifecycle Controller (Express, Enterprise)
Quick Sync 2 wireless module optional

Optional LCD Bezel or Security bezel
OpenManage™ Software

OpenManage Enterprise; OpenManage Essentials; OpenManage Mobile; OpenManage Power Center

Integrations and connections

Integrations: Microsoft® System Center, VMware® vCenter™, BMC Software

Connections: Nagios & Nagios XI, Oracle Enterprise Manager, HP Operations Manager, IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus, IBM Tivoli® Network Manager, CA Network and Systems Management


TPM 1.2/2.0 optional; Cryptographically signed firmware; Secure Boot; System Lockdown; Secure erase

I/O & Ports

Network daughter card options
4 x 1GE or 2 x 10GE + 2 x 1GE or 4 x 10GE or 2 x 25GE
Front ports: VGA, 2 x USB 2.0, dedicated IDRAC Direct Micro-USB
Rear ports: VGA, Serial, 2 x USB 3.0, dedicated iDRAC network port
Video card: VGA
Riser options with p to 8 PCIe Gen 3 slots, maximum of 4 x 16 slots

 GPU options

GPU options available only on 24 x 2.5” drive chassis Nvidia Tesla P100, K80, K40, Grid M60, M10, P4, Quadro P4000. AMD S7150, S7150X2

Supported operating systems

Canonical® Ubuntu® LTS; Citrix® XenServer®; Microsoft Windows Server® with Hyper-V; Red Hat® Enterprise Linux; SUSE® Linux Enterprise Server; VMware® ESXi

Recommended support

Dell ProSupport Plus for critical systems or Dell ProSupport for premium hardware and software support for your PowerEdge solution. Consulting and deployment offerings are also available.

Dell EMC PowerEdge R640

Features Technical Specification
Up to two Intel® Xeon® SP, up to 28 cores per processor

24 DDR4 DIMM slots, Supports RDIMM /LRDIMM, speeds up to 2666MT/s, 1.5TB max
Up to 12 NVDIMM, 192 GB Max
Supports registered ECC DDR4 DIMMs only

Storage controllers

Internal controllers: PERC H330, H730p, H740p, HBA330, Software RAID (SWRAID) S140
Boot Optimized Storage Subsystem: HWRAID 2 x M.2 SSDs 120GB, 240 GB
External PERC (RAID): H840
External HBAs (non-RAID): 12 Gbps SAS HBA

Drive bays

Front drive bays: Up to 10 x 2.5” SAS/SATA (HDD/SSD) with up to 8 NVMe SSD max 58TB or up to 4 x 3.5 SAS/SATA HDD max 40TB
Rear drive bays: Up to 2 x 2.5” SAS/SATA (HDD/SSD), NVMe SSD max 12TB
Optional DVD-ROM, DVD+RW

Power supplies

Titanium 750W, Platinum 495W, 750W, 1100W and 1600W
48VDC 1100W, 380HVDC 1100W, 240HVDC 750W
Hot plug power supplies with full redundancy option

Form factor: Rack (1U)
Chassis depth: 705.05 mm
Embedded management

IPMI 2.0 compliant
iDRAC9 with Lifecycle Controller (Express, Enterprise)
Quick Sync 2 wireless module optional

Optional LCD bezel or security bezel
OpenManage™ Software

OpenManage Enterprise; OpenManage Essentials; OpenManage Mobile; OpenManage Power Center

Integrations and connections

Integrations: Microsoft® System Center, VMware® vCenter™, BMC Software

Connections: Nagios & Nagios XI, Oracle Enterprise Manager, HP Operations Manager, IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus, IBM Tivoli® Network Manager, CA Network and Systems Management

TPM 1.2/2.0 optional; Cryptographically signed firmware; Secure Boot; System Lockdown; Secure erase
I/O & Ports

Network daughter card options
4 x 1GE or 2 x 10GE + 2 x 1GE or 4 x 10GE or 2 x 25GE
Front ports: Video, 1 x USB 2.0, available USB 3.0, dedicated IDRAC Direct USB
Rear ports: Video, serial, 2 x USB 3.0, dedicated iDRAC network port
Video card: VGA, NVIDIA NVS310 available as PCIe card
Up to 3 x Gen3 slots, all x16

Supported operating systems

Canonical® Ubuntu® LTS; Citrix® XenServer®; Microsoft Windows Server® with Hyper-V; Red Hat® Enterprise Linux; SUSE® Linux Enterprise Server; VMware® ESXi

Recommended support

Dell ProSupport Plus for critical systems or Dell ProSupport for premium hardware and software support for your PowerEdge solution. Consulting and deployment offerings are also available. Contact your Dell representative today for more information. Availability and terms of Dell Services vary by region.

Dell EMC PowerEdge R6420

Features Technical Specification
Up to two Intel® Xeon® Scalable processors, up to 205W and 28 cores per processor

16 DIMM slots with max of 512GB with options for 8GB/16GB/32GB DDR4 2666MT/s RDIMMs
ECC Registered DDR4


One 120GB M.2 SATA RI SSD boot drive, One 16/32/64GB MicroSD card
Controllers: S140 Software RAID with Intel C620 Chipset SATA controller (RAID 0, 1, 5, 10)
Hardware RAID using PERC H330 Mezzanine (RAID 0, 1, 5, 10, 50), PERC H730p Mezzanine (RAID 0, 1, 5, 6, 10, 50, 60)
Non RAID: HBA330 Mezzanine, 12Gbps SAS LP PCIe HBA

Drive options

Hard Drives:
300/600/900GB 2.5” 15K 12Gb SAS Drives
600GB/1.2TB/1.8TB 2.5” 10K 12Gb SAS Drives
1TB/2TB 2.5” 7.2K 12Gb SAS Drives
1TB/2TB/4TB/8TB/10TB 3.5” 7.2K 12Gb SAS/ 6Gbps SATA Drives

FIPS-140 Self Encrypting Hard Drives:
1.2TB 2.5” 10K 12Gb SAS FIPS-140 SED
2TB 2.5” 7.2K 12Gb SAS FIPS-140 SED
4TB/8TB 12Gbps SAS FIPS-140 SED

Solid State Drives:
120GB 2.5” 6Gbps SATA Boot SSD
480GB/800GB/960GB/1.6TB/1.92TB/3.84TB 6Gbps SATA Read Intensive SSDs:
960GB/1.92TB/3.84TB 12Gbps SAS Read Intensive SSDs

NVMe Drives:
800GB/1.6TB Mixed Use 2.5” NVMe SSDs and PCIe add-in adapter cards

Power and cooling options

Dual Hot-plug fault tolerant redundant and non-redundant 1600W AC Power Supply
Dual Hot-plug fault tolerant redundant 2000W and 2400W AC Power Supply
Four dual rotor redundant, non-hot swappable fans
Air and Direct Contact Liquid Cooling (DCLC) options

Dimensions (HxWxD)

86.8mm x 448mm x 790mm

Weight: 3.5” Direct Backplane Chassis: 43.62 Kg
2.5” Direct/Expander/NVMe Backplane Chassis: 41.46 Kg
No Backplane Chassis: 34.56 Kg

Form factor: Rack (2U)

Chassis options

24 x 2.5” Direct Backplane with up to 6 SAS/SATA drives per C6420 sled
24 x 2.5” Expander Backplane with up to 12 SAS/SATA drives per C6420 sled and 2 C6420 sleds per C6400 chassis
24 x 2.5” NVMe Backplane with up to 2 SAS/SATA/NVMe drives and 4 SAS/SATA drives per C6420 sled
12 x 3.5” Direct Backplane with up to 3 SAS/SATA drives per C6420 sled
No Backplane option with no external drives per C6420 sled

Embedded management

BMC with Virtual Media and Console (default)
iDRAC 9 Enterprise

OpenManage™ Software

OpenManage Essentials (OME); Open Manage Server Administrator; OpenManage Server Enterprise; Open Manage Server Mobile; OpenManage Power Center

Integrations and connections

OpenManage Integrations: Microsoft® System Center, VMware® vCenter™, BMC Software

OpenManage Connections: Nagios & Nagios XI, Oracle® Enterprise Manager™, HP® Operations Manager™, IBM Tivoli® Netcool/OMNIbus™, IBM Tivoli Network Manager™, CA Network and Systems Management™

PowerEdge Secure Boot, System Erase, System Lockdown, Drift Detection, BIOS and OS Recovery, Active Directory/LDAP, two-factor authentication (TFA), SSH with Public Key Authentication (PKA), TLS 1.2, SNMP v3, Self-Encrypting and Instant Secure Erase (ISE) Drives
I/O & Ports

Rear ports: 2 x USB 3.0 ports, 1 Micro USB port for iDRAC Direct
One x16 PCIe Gen3 riser (low profile, half height and half length)
One x8 PCIe Gen3 Mezzanine (for storage controller)
One x16 PCIe Gen3 OCP Mezzanine (for network controller)
One x16 PCIe Gen3 riser (for M.2 Boot Device)

Network cards

One 1Gb Ethernet LOM port for systems management or shared with host

1Gb Ethernet

  • Intel i350 1Gb Dual Port Ethernet LP PCIe Adapter
  • Broadcom 5720 1Gb Dual Port Ethernet LP PCIe Adapter

10Gb Ethernet

  • Intel X710 Dual Port 10Gb SFP+ OCP Mezzanine Adapter
  • Intel X710 Dual Port 10Gb SFP+ LP PCIe Adapter
  • Intel X550 Dual Port 10Gb BASE-T LP PCIe Adapter
  • Intel X710 Quad Port 10Gb BASE-T LP PCIe Adapter
  • Broadcom 57412 10Gb SFP+ LP PCIe Adapter
  • Broadcom 57416 10Gb BASE-T LP LP PCIe Adapter
  • QLogic 41162 Dual Port 10Gb BASE-T LP PCIe Adapter
  • QLogic 41112 Dual Port 10Gb SFP+ LP PCIe Adapter
  • SolarFlare 8522 Dual Port 10Gb SFP+ LP PCIe Adapter
  • Mellanox ConnectX-3 Pro 10Gb Dual Port LP PCIe Adapter

25Gb Ethernet

  • Broadcom 57414 Dual Port 25Gbps SFP28 PCIe LP Adapter
  • QLogic 41262 Dual Port 25Gbps SFP28 LP PCIe Adapter
  • Mellanox ConnectX-4 Lx Dual Port 25Gbps SFP28 LP PCIe Adapter

40Gb Ethernet

  • Mellanox ConnectX-3 Pro Dual Port 40Gbps QSFP+ LP PCIe Adapter
  • Intel XL710 Dual Port 40Gbps QSFP+ LP PCIe Adapter

100Gb Ethernet/InfiniBand / Omni-Path

  • Mellanox ConnectX-4 Dual Port 100Gb QSFP+ LP PCIe Adapter
  • Mellanox ConnectX-3 VPI QSFP+ Single Port FDR LP PCIe Adapter
  • Mellanox ConnectX-4 Single Port VPI QSFP28 EDR LP PCIe Adapter
  • Mellanox ConnectX-4 Dual Port VPI QSFP28 EDR LP PCIe Adapter
  • Intel Omni-Path Single Port Host Fabric Adapter 100 Series LP PCIe Adapter

• Dual port QSFP carrier card for processors with integrated Intel Omni-Path Fabric

Supported operating systems

Canonical® Ubuntu® LTS; Citrix® XenServer®; Microsoft Windows Server® with Hyper-V; Red Hat® Enterprise Linux; SUSE Linux Enterprise Server; VMware® ESXi

Recommended support

Dell ProSupport Plus for critical systems or Dell ProSupport for premium hardware and software support for your PowerEdge solution. Consulting and deployment offerings are also available. Contact your Dell representative today for more information. Availability and terms of Dell Services vary by region.

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